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I Need Help With Nutrients!

Unlike humans with our complicated social systems, dietary needs, etc., the cannabis plant has a very short list of things it needs to be happy and grow buds: Light, water, air and nutrients.

Light is the easy one since more light is usually better for your plants.

Water isn’t much trouble since any clean water from pretty much any source will do as long as the pH is corrected.

Air is free and you can move it around with a cheap oscillating fan…easy!

Top 7 Most Common Growing "Myths"

by Sirius Fourside

Some guy on an internet forum learned a super secret trick from his neighbor's cousin who is a master grower...

All you have to do is crumble 3 goldfish crackers per gallon of water into your nutrients every other feeding. The crackers use a wheat compound that’s hard to obtain for non-commercial use, and it makes buds grow up to 20% larger!

Does that sound crazy? Good! Because it IS crazy!

Stealth Growing: How to NOT get Caught Growing Weed

by Sirius Fourside

If you’ve ever gone to a forum for advice on growing cannabis, you’ll know that there is no shortage of opinions on what you can do to become a better grower.

Learning new tips and techniques give you an edge in growing and help you increase your yields. However, there is one thing that I consider to be the most important part of advancing your growing knowledge…

Is there a way to force my female plant to hermaphrodite? Also, she's showing pistils / white hairs in the vegetative stage, what gives?

Question: Is there any way to force my female plant to hermaphrodite?  Also, she's showing pistils / white hairs in the vegetative stage...

I recently received some bags seeds my friend claimed were Chocolate Thai. My one female plant has been in vegetative state for approximately 8 weeks under a 15 to 18 hour light schedule. But she's starting to show signs of flowering ! What gives? Could it be an auto flowering strain?

How do I tell when the vegging stage ends?

Question: How do I know when the marijuana vegetative stage is over?

Answer: When the marijuana plant is in the vegetative stage, it only grows vegetative growth like leaves and stems. 

In the vegging stage, the plant does not grow buds/flowers at all.

You can tell when the vegetative stage has ended because the plant starts growing gender-specific parts in addition to leaves and vegetative growth.

Why is my whole plant wilting, curling, with tips turning black and leaves turning yellow?

Question: Why is my whole plant wilting, curling, with tips turning black and leaves turning yellow? Just flipped to flowering stage. Plant is drinking less than normal.

Why are my seedlings tall?

Question: Why are my hydroponic marijuana seedlings getting tall and dying?

Step-by-Step Picture Guide to Cloning Marijuana

by Nebula Haze

Cloning cannabis is the process of making a smaller copy a specific cannabis plant. This copy has the exact same genes as the first plant. Growers can take many clones of a single plant, and this is an effective way to get many tiny plants that will grow the same way  as the mother plant and produce buds with similar characteristics. 

Cloning is one of the easiest and fastest forms of "making new plants" available to cannabis growers. 

Cloning Cannabis

How To Get To Harvest As Fast As Possible

by Nebula Haze

"I need to harvest as soon as possible. What's the fastest growth method? What can I do to speed up the time to harvest?"

1st Grow in My Garage - Auto Northern Lights in Grow Box Under 400W HPS - 5.35 oz Harvest

by im4potato

View im4potato’s photo albums featuring pictures from all his grows:


Quick Grow Snapshot
