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Cannabis: Controlling Humidity Indoors

by Nebula Haze

Optimal cannabis humidity levels chart

Table of Contents

PPM: What It Is and How To Track It

If you’ve ever tried to learn how to grow cannabis via cannabis growing forums, you’ve probably seen a few terms thrown around that confuse newcomers.

One that you’ve most undoubtedly seen is “ppm”.

Can I make more potent buds by giving plants shorter light periods as harvest approaches?

Cannabis buds - can I change the light schedule to make buds more potent?Question: I heard from a friend that indoor growers can get more potent cannabis buds by slowly reducing the light period (experienced by the cannabis plants) each day for the last few weeks before harvest.

7 Common New Grower Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The current (undeserved, in my opinion) legal status of marijuana makes it so that many new growers end up learning some hard lessons on their own.

Often we see pictures of plants that are getting cared for by their owners; some pictures immediately let us know that the owner is missing a vital piece of plant care knowledge that would totally solve their problem!

"Main-Lining" Tutorial by Nugbuckets: Train Marijuana Plants for Bigger Yields & Flat Canopies

by Nugbuckets - Compiled and edited by Nebula Haze in August 2013

Read Nebula's Manifold Tutorial:



Table of Contents

Stealth Growing: How to NOT get Caught Growing Weed

by Sirius Fourside

If you’ve ever gone to a forum for advice on growing cannabis, you’ll know that there is no shortage of opinions on what you can do to become a better grower.

Learning new tips and techniques give you an edge in growing and help you increase your yields. However, there is one thing that I consider to be the most important part of advancing your growing knowledge…

How can I take non-yellow pictures under HPS lights with a regular camera or phone?

Question: Whenever I take pictures of my marijuana plants while the HPS grow light is on, the whole picture looks yellow and washed out. Is there a way to take nicer pictures under the HPS light?

All I have are my iPhone and a regular digital camera. Is there some secret to taking good pictures under the HPS grow light?

Why is my whole plant wilting, curling, with tips turning black and leaves turning yellow?

Question: Why is my whole plant wilting, curling, with tips turning black and leaves turning yellow? Just flipped to flowering stage. Plant is drinking less than normal.
