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Top 7 Most Common Growing "Myths"

by Sirius Fourside

Some guy on an internet forum learned a super secret trick from his neighbor's cousin who is a master grower...

All you have to do is crumble 3 goldfish crackers per gallon of water into your nutrients every other feeding. The crackers use a wheat compound that’s hard to obtain for non-commercial use, and it makes buds grow up to 20% larger!

Does that sound crazy? Good! Because it IS crazy!

How to Never Run Out of Weed

by Sirius Fourside

You and I most likely share this opinion: Growing your own marijuana is the best way to obtain it!

But what happens when you’re growing your own medicine and you run out? You probably know how aggravating that is, but I’ll sum it up with this: No one likes running out of medicine.

In the interest of breaking that cycle, we’re going to show you how to NOT run out of your medicine.

How much Fox Farms nutrients do I feed to my marijuana plants? (in soil)

Question: How much Fox Farms nutrients do I feed to my marijuana plants?

How do I get 2-4 CFL bulbs per plant, then put all those bulbs on a single timer?

Question:  How do I get 2-4 CFL bulbs per plant, then put all those bulbs on a single timer?

I want to start my first grow was with five plants and between 2-4 CFL bulbs per plant. I know each plant will need 2-4+ CFL bulbs by the time I reach the flowering stage, since marijuana plants need a lot of intense light during flowering to produce big yields. 

What does a 1 pound plant look like outdoors?

Question: How big does an outdoor plant have to get to produce a pound of buds?

I want to grow a 1-2 lbs of buds outside in my backyard, and I want to know if that can be achieved with just one plant. I can tend to the plant daily, provide water, nutrients, etc. I'm just worried about how big it will need to get. What does a 1 pound outdoor plant look like just before harvest?

How do I tell when the vegging stage ends?

Question: How do I know when the marijuana vegetative stage is over?

Answer: When the marijuana plant is in the vegetative stage, it only grows vegetative growth like leaves and stems. 

In the vegging stage, the plant does not grow buds/flowers at all.

You can tell when the vegetative stage has ended because the plant starts growing gender-specific parts in addition to leaves and vegetative growth.

Why did my plant stop growing? The tops of my plants curling, wilting, and looking rough around the edges...

Question: Why did my plant stop growing? The tops of my plants are curling, wilting, and looking rough around the edges...

Why is my whole plant wilting, curling, with tips turning black and leaves turning yellow?

Question: Why is my whole plant wilting, curling, with tips turning black and leaves turning yellow? Just flipped to flowering stage. Plant is drinking less than normal.
