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Growing slow

Case Study: Root Rot Recovery

by Sirius Fourside

In this article, I will share how we were able to remedy a case of cannabis root rot in a hydroponic setup. Root rot is often thought of as being "incurable" and I've heard of several cases where growers throw away their cannabis plants that are hit by root rot. I know lots of growers who have tried hydroponic growing, and gave up after running into root rot for the first time.

Root Problems

by Nebula Haze

Table of Contents

Root Problem Symptoms (many different symptoms)

Triggers for Root Problems

How to Treat Root Problems


Cannabis Plants With Root Problems Show Many Symptoms

Cannabis Root Problems -
Big Symptom Picture: 
Leaf Color: 
Edges Appear Brown or Burnt
Pale Color Leaves
Yellow Leaves - New Growth
Yellow Leaves - Lower, older leaves
Yellowing Between Veins
Veins of Leaves Stay Green
Red or Pink Color on Leaves
Brown or Dark Spots
Leaf Symptoms: 
Yellowing Between Veins
Veins of Leaves Stay Green
Old Leaves Dropping Off
Slow Growth
Abnormal Growth
Leaves Curl Under
Leaves Curl Upwards
Wilting / Drooping
Plant Symptoms: 
Old Leaves Dropping Off
Slow Growth
Twisted Growth
Leaves Curl Under
Leaves Curl Upwards
Plant Wilting / Drooping
Root Symptoms: 
Slow Growing
